
[Office Autopilot] Smartform/Webform Integration

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Adding SMS text messaging and voice broadcasting with Office Autopilot has never been easier!

In this video, you'll learn how to grow your Call Loop phone subscriber list with Office Autopilot's Smartforms. 


CALL LOOP - Creating Your Group

STEP 1: Create a Call Loop Group

Before we start, the first step is to create your Call Loop group where we will store your new subscribers.


STEP 2: Select "Integration > Custom HTTP Post"

To integrate with OAP, please select the checkbox Integration, then select in the dropdown menu, "Custom HTTP Post" and click "Create Group."


STEP 3: Copy Your Unique URL

Once you've created your group, Call Loop will give you a unique URL for this group. Highlight and COPY this url to your clipboard.


OFFICE AUTOPILOT - Creating Your Smartform

STEP 1: Click on "Admin" Then "Manage Smartforms"

At the top right of your screen, click on "Admin", then on the next page, click on "Manage Smartforms." 


STEP 2: Click "Add Smartform"

Once on the Smartforms page, click on "Add Smartform"


STEP 3: Click "Add Field" and add a "Phone" Field to Your Smartform

In order for Call Loop to work correctly, you need to add a phone field to your webform. You can select "Cell Phone, Home Phone, Office Phone, or a Custom Field" on where you want to place your phone field. Then save and add this field to your form. From here, drag where you want it to be placed.


STEP 4: Click "Settings"

On the settings page, we need to add them to a sequence. You can add a sequence or add them to an existing sequence.


STEP 5: Click "Publish Form"

Once it's setup, click "Publish Form" at the top of the page.

OFFICE AUTOPILOT - Creating Your Sequence & Rule

In this series of steps, we need to create a sequence and a "Rule" to the sequence to add the contact to this Call Loop group.

STEP 1: Click on the "Autopilot" Tab

To create your "Step Sequence" goto the Autopilot tab.


STEP 2: Click "Add Sequence"

On the right side, click the "Add Sequence" button to create either a Step Sequence or a Date Sequence.


STEP 3: Click "Add Rule"

Once inside the sequence, on the left side, click "Add Rule."


STEP 4: Click the + Sign Under The Header "What should happen?" and Select "Ping URL"

Click on the + sign at the bottom under the heading "what should happen" then in the dropdown menu select "Ping URL."


STEP 5: Paste in the Call Loop URL into the Field

Paste in the Call Loop URL into the field under the heading URL.


STEP 6: Enter info into "Post Data"

Call Loop requires the phone number in order for the contact to be added to Call Loop. Copy and paste in the following:

&phone=[THE PHONE FIELD ON YOUR SMARTFORM]&first=[First Name]&last=[Last Name]&email=[E-Mail]



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